Here are a few that I wanted to share. Check out the cake picture! This was the messiest cake feeding that I have ever seen at a wedding. I am getting all caught up so I only have one more session to proof and the rest of this wedding! I am itching to be outside right now, the snow is bumming me out and I have been inside all day since Saturday! To make things worse my sister called me from Hawaii today to check on her son, I am beyond jealous that she got to go surfing today. I guess I will just eat my ice cream and watch my DVR...
Angie! These are awesome. I love how her dad's face is between them in the cake eating one. They are all amazing- no words to express how good they really are- Mark & Annie are going to have so much fun looking at them.
Oooooh. These are SO good! I love how you captured the personality of the couple. The images are gorgeous. The bride is beautiful. What a great wedding.
Wow I just love looking at your work such an inspiration for a beginner like me! I know what you mean about the snow. My mom is in Hawaii right now too.....I just talked to her she is over looking the morning beach front! Ughhh Utah!
So... In that kissing picture.... I dont really think it looked like I was really kissing Mark. Ha ha Ya know what I am saying? It looks like I am pretending to kiss him..... Thanks for the VERY generous comments people! Angie- I LOVE YOU! I LOVE LOVE YOU
Photography is my passion. I express who I am through the art of photography. I feel so beyond lucky to do what I love in life, it is an amazing feeling.
Thanks for visiting,
I am now booking for Feb 2010. I will have limited sessions available in Utah this Winter/Spring because I will be doing travel sessions, please book ahead.
Angie! These are awesome. I love how her dad's face is between them in the cake eating one. They are all amazing- no words to express how good they really are- Mark & Annie are going to have so much fun looking at them.
these are sooo fun. you had a awesome bride. great job.
i love them!!!
I would die if that cake was on my face!!
she seemed like the best bride to work with!!!
Oooooh. These are SO good! I love how you captured the personality of the couple. The images are gorgeous. The bride is beautiful. What a great wedding.
Angie---these are amazing! I seriously love all of them! Incredible!
That is some serious cake! Your pictures are beautiful.
Awesome job Angie! What a fun couple!!! They are beautiful in looks AND personality!
wow these are absolutely amazing, beautiful work as always!
Wow I just love looking at your work such an inspiration for a beginner like me! I know what you mean about the snow. My mom is in Hawaii right now too.....I just talked to her she is over looking the morning beach front! Ughhh Utah!
The first one is just breath taking. Beautifully done!
WOW These are...WOW Angie you outdid yourself these are my favorites!
PS- To the bride: You are stunning and magical to look at in a picture.
Wow what beautiful images! I just love them!
So... In that kissing picture.... I dont really think it looked like I was really kissing Mark. Ha ha Ya know what I am saying? It looks like I am pretending to kiss him..... Thanks for the VERY generous comments people! Angie- I LOVE YOU! I LOVE LOVE YOU
Angie, OMG, I am speechless. These are incredible. You've got amazing talent. The emotion and love in these photos is unreal. You are inspiring.
Wow! It looks like you guys were having a fun time. These are beautiful! I so love the orchard that you are shooting in. Great idea!
When will I ever get to meet you? PUG meeting? I hope so!
Gorgeous shots!
Beautiful couple:)
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