So, I know a lot of photographers visit here. I am offering my Modern Christmas for the last time for $20!!! They are usually $35. If you would like to purchase them send $20 through paypal to simplicityphotography@yahoo.com. Make sure you put Modern Christmas as the subject line. Click on image to see templates close up! This promo will end on December 1st.
I tried emailing but it wouldn't go thru.
I'm curious if these templates are compatible with PS Elements. I'm a photographer from AR and stumbled upon your work a month or so ago. You've got an awesome gallery and website!
Thanks! Jen
I just wanted to say that I bought your templates and have absolutly loved them...as my clients have as well! Thank you so much.
I am also a Jen from AR....AR must love you Angie!!!
I just clicked on your blog for the first time. Would love to purchase this christmas template. Is it still possible? email me please... cgoold@roadrunner.com Thanks so much.
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