Find a spot...
Chloe freaks out.
Give her a doll,
She throws it on the ground (played that game for a while).
Found some dirt, she put it in her hair.
Found some rocks, she put them in her mouth.
Found a park, she jet off to the slide.
Sit her up on a stump, she jumps off.
Sing her a song, she gives her look.
So ya, Chloe has her own ideas now.
That is the great thing about being a photographer, I get to capture everything.
I love Chloe's sassy attitude, even though others might not think it is so cute...
Thanks Kelly for all your help!
I tried a little vintage on these, what do you think?

Angie- Chloe is too funny- I love she has a mind of her own- you still got some cute (albeit realistic) shots of her!Love the vintage colors in the post processing!
These are just perfect I love everything about them. She is so dang cute!!
I really like the vintage look. It's lovely!! And OH MY GOSH, Chloe sounds EXACTLY like my little daughter Violet. So adorable, and such a little sassy pants at the same time.
Love that little Chloe to pieces
chloe is so funny! who wants a boring kid, anyway? i loved the "throw the baby in the dirt" game! it was so wrong that it was funny. the best part was us glancing down and seeing her drop that whole handful of dirt on her head! the outfit WAS white. but i really think you did some cute stuff with it. i really love the turned out feet. we can always try again!
WELL - so glad to know another photog's pain with their OWN children. My baby has YET to have her 1 year old pics.. maybe I'll just drop her off in your lap. ;) These are beautiful and it captured her spirit - priceless time.
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