Jessthanks Jess! not really...
So, I have to write 7 quirky things about myself... here goes.
1. I won't dress my twins alike, ever... okay so maybe on Halloween.
2. I still think I am a California girl even though I have lived in Utah now for 14 years.. oh man 14!
3. I can justify any shopping trip, for any reason.
4. I never thought I was obsessed with anything, thought I dabbled in everything until I started photography, it's a serious obsession...
5. My siblings think I am the weird one... little do they know I am the normal one and they are all weird.
6. I like to be in control, almost all the time. I am always freaking out about how Anthony drives, I have a hard time letting others control my fate!
7. I sing Feeling Groovy to Chloe at night when I put her to bed... she loves it, Tate not so much he starts flailing around like a dead fish.
That's it, do you know me better now?
So now this is the fun part, I am tagging
Jeana, and