Anyways, the landscapes were perfect, weather perfect, can't ask for a better location for a wedding. This couple chose Moab as their destination wedding, they drove all the way from IOWA and have been enjoying the "pretty" for about a week now. Brad, stay off those 4-wheelers... you have a wife to look after now.. lol.

All I can say is "Stunning".
WOW. Just amazing and breathtaking.
Angie...these are AMAZING! I don't usually leave a post wanting more...but I want more!!! So gorgeous! Glad you and A. make a great photo. duo!
Oh Angie! These are wicked! I love them, the lighting is to die for. Great job girly.
These are STUNNING!!! I love the backdrop! You and Anthony did a great job together! Just remember we are their biggest fans haha wink wink:)
K so the post from "Karen" is ME!!! Blogger is so stupid sometimes!
Wow, those first 2 are breathtaking!!! should be in magazines everywhere!
Holy holy cow. These are so incredible! The lighting is ethereal! Well done! I am totally impressed. You've inspired me....
GORGEOUS!!!! I love the colors in the first one (the sky is amazing) but the lighting in all of them in inspiring. Glad you guys had a good time!
These are stunning!
wow, the colors, the lighting, the couple...all so beautiful!!!
OH MY GOSH...that first shot is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!
These are absolutely fabulous!!!!
Oh my gosh! You are seriously OUT OF CONTROL!!! Please say you will open up some mentoring sessions. I live in AZ but I can fly up there. I hate to shoot bright sunny weddings. I need you to show me how you do that.
Oh my gosh! You are seriously OUT OF CONTROL!!! Please say you will open up some mentoring sessions. I live in AZ but I can fly up there. I hate to shoot bright sunny weddings. I need you to show me how you do that.
karen,, vanessa,, whatever your name is , that is funny.
I loved this wedding. thanks for all the comments makes my day after I have been cleaning cereal off the floor and CC cookies are spread all throughout my house. time for a nap!
Yeah, so I'm pretty much in love with your work!
Beautiful shots! Moab is a beautiful place isn't it? I would love it if you would share the name of some of you favorite photoshop actions.....please?
I am totally in love with these photos. Holy crapsters absolutley AMAZING! You are oozing talent, be so proud of all your hard work.
Absolutely beautiful! I see humongous canvases in their future. :-)Really amazing work. I am hoping you are still considering a workshop or adding more mentoring sessions!!
love the backdrops....
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