Not tack sharp, but I still love it because they are both somewhat behaving:)

Here is an outtake when Tate & Chloe were eyeing the candy.

this is a little smirk he does sometimes...

posing for candy.

another outtake, chloe always makes this face, so attractive eh?

I am taking 5 days off to enjoy some time with my best friend who is flying in from Georgia, I am thinking movies, shopping, thrift stores, and lots of food! Yeah, party time. Hopefully my husband will be up for staying home with the kids:)
Too cute!!! I have a hard enough time with one 2 year old, you do awesome with 2 of them lol! love the outtakes, classic!
Adorable!!!! They are beautiful "babies". I still call my two year old twins babies-- since they will always be MY babies! :) Glad you got some shots of your own kids-- I know it is harder to do!
Your kids are so adorable Angie! That candy shot cracks me up. Have fun this week while your friend is in town. I've been itching to get to a thrift store myself...
Your babies are adorable! And your color is just amazing. :) Love these!
These are absolutely adorable! I remember when my twins were two...such fun and definitely terrible! Lovely colors.
WOW WOW! These are my favs!!! I love your color!!!!
they are SO CUTE!!!! how could you not have them in front of your camera all day!!!?
enjoy your time off!!!!!!!!!!
These are gorgeous!!! The color is amazing... I'd love to know how you pp'd these... your photos are always so rich in color... love it!!
love the striped leggings on the girl! Your work is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Oh you brave, brave woman. And I say that not about the kids, but about the husband factor. If I took my husband out with me to photograph my twins it would last all of five minutes and he'd be shooting death stares into my back the whole time. I'd owe him forever. These guys, they just don't know how good they have it :). These pictures are adorable. Love the clothes and location! - Amy Lynden
Whoa Mama your babies are beautiful. Keep them, forever. Or give them to me. Ollie needs a playmate.
these are absolutely beautiful. stunning colors!
Your kids are darling! They have gorgeous eyes!
LOVE THE COLOR IN THESE PHOTOS! Are these just outside your studio? You really have an eye for color. My little boy turned three in April and I still haven't done his 3 year old pictures! I know how hard it is to photograph your own child (and it always seems to get put on the back burner when you shoot for a living). My little boy makes a face similar to your daughter's....classic!
It's about time they get there 2 year shots...he he.
Remember why we started was to get great shots of our kids and now we don't take the time to do that anymore.
You've inspired me.
I am going to do my babies today and the same spot...don't kill -k.
I just tried to take my two youngest out yesterday, ages 4 and 3. I didn't even get one that was decent, lol. The little one loves to stick her tounge out. I am so envious of your skills, lol. Your kiddos are beyond beautiful!
awesome location--great colors!
Your children are gorgeous!! 2 is such a hard age, I can't imagine 2, 2 year olds!! You did an incredible job as always!!
thanks everyone! They are too crazy for their own good, you should see my house right now!
Tate & Chloe are sooooo cute:) Their eyes are such a beautiful color- you did a great job with their pics;)
absolutely amazing. You color is so killer!
I was blog surfing and came across your amazing blog!
I am totally blown away by your pictures - I would LOVE to one day learn to take photos like that! So sharp and crisp.
Totally amazing!!
amazing pictures! where are you son's jeans from they are so adorable!
I got Tate's jeans at H&M in Las Vegas, they have the best boy clothes and they are way good prices!
These are awesome! The color is its usual awesomeness and those kids of yours could not be any cuter!
Don't you just love H&M. I got some great accessories there just today--love it.
Congrats on the 2 years!
DARLING, Angie! You have the cutest kids. :)
angie, they are SOOOO precious! i'm so happy i got to meet them - your pics are adorable!
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